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Rumah Dara (2010)

A group of young men and women travel to Jakarta after helding a farewell party for Adjie and Astrid. The couple was planning to go Sydney but decided to held the party in Bandung so that Astrid could visit her sister Ladya.

On their way they met a woman who claimed to had just been robbed. On the basis of compassion, Adjie and his friend took Maya, the woman, home.

At Maya's house, Adjie and his friends introduced to her mother, an elegant yet misterious woman named Dara. They were invited to dinner.

Who would have thought that dinner was the beginning of calamity for Adjie and his friends.

Genre: Thriller/ Slasher
Duration: 95 minutes
Release Date: 21 January 2010
Director: Mo Brothers
Producer: Delon Tio

Dara: Shareefa Daanish
Maya: Imelda Therinne
Adam: Arifin Putra
Armand: Ruli Lubis
Ladya: Julie Estelle
Adjie: Ario Bayu
Astrid: Sigi Wimala
Jimmie: Daniel Mananta
Ekko: Dendy Subangil
Mecia: Aming


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