A group of children attending dilapidated school named Sekolah Dasar Muhammadiyah in a remote area, Belitong, in 1970s era.
The Rainbow Troops consists of Lintang, a latitude, super genius whose born as a son of a coastal fisherman. He have to ride miles by bike just for school. Mahar, the once quirky little extraordinary artist. The disabled yet full of spirit, Harun. And aslo Ikal, the main character who visualized as a thin and melancholy boy.
The name Rainbow Troops was given by their teacher, Bu Mus, who named it after their love for the natural phenomenon called the rainbow.
Under the guidance of Bu Mus and Pak Harfan, Laskar Pelangi have to undergo a challenging yet exciting days as a student in the remote area.
Genre: Drama
Duration: 124 minutes
Release Date: 25 September 2008
Director: Riri Riza
Producer: Mira Lesmana
Ibu Muslimah: Cut Mini
Pak Harfan: Ikranagara
Pak Mahmud: Tora Sudiro
Pak Zulkarnaen: Slamet Rahardjo
Bapak Ikal: Mathias Muchus
Ibu Ikal: Rieke Diah Pitaloka
Pak Bakri: Teuku Rifnu Wikana
Ikal (adult): Lukman Sardi
Lintang (adult): Ario Bayu
Ikal: Zulfanny
Mahar: Verrys Yamarno
Lintang: Verdian
Kucai: Yogi Nugraha
Syahdan: M.Syukur Ramadhan
A Kiong: Suhendri
Borek: Febriansyah
Harun: Jeffry Yanuar
Trapani: Suharyadi Syah Ramadhan
Sahara: Dewi Ratih Ayu Safitri
Flo: Marcella
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