The story revolves around the figure of a single parent Idayu, who was young, beautiful, smart, interesting, and her two beautiful daughters, Mira and Kirei.
One day at a concert Idayu met with Nando. When they accidentally meet the next days, they found a match in many ways.
Idayu then introduce Nando with her daughters. Openness of communication between Idayu, Mira, Kirei and Nando is very good. Mira began to feel comfortable to every discussion and chat with Nando.
Mira's like having a companion, friend, as well as a father. Mira admired his figure. Clandestinely, she began to find out the figure of Nando. And even daring to meet Nando in the office cafeteria. Mira then fell in love with Nando, his beloved mother's boyfriend.
One night, Mira come clean on Idayu that he had fallen in love with Nando. Idayu decided to relented, leaving Jakarta, chose to work and settle in Bali. Nando who feel failed to hold Idayu certainly hurt and become angry with himself, because he loved Idayu.
Seven full moon has passed Idayu with solitude in Bali. Until one night, Idayu was tasked to meet with clients in Jakarta. She of course very happy, because she could well surprise Mira, Kirei, and Nando. Her arrival in Jakarta this time presents many surprises for Idayu.
Genre: Drama
Release Date: 13 January 2011
Director: Eduart Pesta Sirait
Producer: Vijanti Sutopo, Yussi, Ugi Agustono, Hendramaja Oh, Yeni
Nando: Rizky Hanggono
Idayu: Shara Aryo
Mira: Masayu Clara
Kirei: Suci Winata
One day at a concert Idayu met with Nando. When they accidentally meet the next days, they found a match in many ways.
Idayu then introduce Nando with her daughters. Openness of communication between Idayu, Mira, Kirei and Nando is very good. Mira began to feel comfortable to every discussion and chat with Nando.
Mira's like having a companion, friend, as well as a father. Mira admired his figure. Clandestinely, she began to find out the figure of Nando. And even daring to meet Nando in the office cafeteria. Mira then fell in love with Nando, his beloved mother's boyfriend.
One night, Mira come clean on Idayu that he had fallen in love with Nando. Idayu decided to relented, leaving Jakarta, chose to work and settle in Bali. Nando who feel failed to hold Idayu certainly hurt and become angry with himself, because he loved Idayu.
Seven full moon has passed Idayu with solitude in Bali. Until one night, Idayu was tasked to meet with clients in Jakarta. She of course very happy, because she could well surprise Mira, Kirei, and Nando. Her arrival in Jakarta this time presents many surprises for Idayu.
Genre: Drama
Release Date: 13 January 2011
Director: Eduart Pesta Sirait
Producer: Vijanti Sutopo, Yussi, Ugi Agustono, Hendramaja Oh, Yeni
Nando: Rizky Hanggono
Idayu: Shara Aryo
Mira: Masayu Clara
Kirei: Suci Winata
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