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Showing posts from January, 2011

Anakluh (2011)

The story revolves around the figure of a single parent Idayu, who was young, beautiful, smart, interesting, and her two beautiful daughters, Mira and Kirei. One day at a concert Idayu met with Nando. When they accidentally meet the next days, they found a match in many ways. Idayu then introduce Nando with her daughters. Openness of communication between Idayu, Mira, Kirei and Nando is very good. Mira began to feel comfortable to every discussion and chat with Nando. Mira's like having a companion, friend, as well as a father. Mira admired his figure. Clandestinely, she began to find out the figure of Nando. And even daring to meet Nando in the office cafeteria. Mira then fell in love with Nando, his beloved mother's boyfriend. One night, Mira come clean on Idayu that he had fallen in love with Nando. Idayu decided to relented, leaving Jakarta, chose to work and settle in Bali. Nando who feel failed to hold Idayu certainly hurt and become angry with himself, because he

Baik-Baik Sayang (2011)

This movie was a debut for Wali Band, a well known band in Indonesia music scene. The movie itself tells about Westi and Faank, lovers who struggle with resistance from Westi's parents. After suffering a motorcycle accident involving Westi, the couple's relationship was finally completely outlawed by both parents. Westi then isolated from the outside world, while Faank himself sent his parents to follow education in a boarding school called La Tansa. In the pesantren Faank acquainted with Apoy, Tomi and Ovie, three young men who shared a penchant for music like Faang and eventually form a band. Despite having a lot of activity, and was tempted to build a relationship with two beautiful santriwati, Azizah and Nurul, Faank actually could not keep his thoughts to Westi. Meanwhile, somewhere else, both parents have been planning to match Westi with Bagas, son of the head of the company where his father worked Westi. Genre: Drama Duration: 95 minutes Release date: 13 Ja

Dennis Adhishwara (Actor)

Born: 14 September 1982 in Malang. Profile: This bespectacled young man is a music video model and Indonesian actor. First debuted in the movie Ada Apa dengan Cinta, Dennis then played in several movies that attract many Indonesian spectators such as Jomblo, Ayat-Ayat Cinta and Sang Pencerah. Filmography: Ada Apa dengan Cinta (2002) Kwaliteit 2 (2003) Jomblo (2006) Kamulah Satu-Satunya (2007) Ayat-Ayat Cinta (2007) Hantu Jembatan Ancol (2008) Bahwa Cinta Itu Ada (2010) Sang Pencerah (2010) 3 Pejantan Tanggung (2010) Baik-Baik Sayang (2011)

Khalifah (2011)

A girl who worked in a beauty salon, Khalifah, was dealing with arranged marriage by her father with a man named Rasyid. The marriage ensued because of she wanted to help his father and brother. At the beginning of marriage Khalifah began wearing the hijab at the instigation of Rasyid. But it turns out that Rasyid embraced the teachings of fundamental Islam. Because of an event Rasyid asked Khalifah to use a veil. Drastic changes experienced by Khalifah since every person whom she met looked cynical and even she was branded a terrorist's wife. But her neighbour named Yoga think otherwise. Yoga is often observed Khalifah, even harbored a sense for the tough woman. Until one day that Khalifah had to accept the fact that Rasyid betrayed her. Genre: Drama Duration: 90 minutes Release Date: 6 January 2011 Director: Nurman Hakim Producer: Nan T Achnas, Nurman Hakim, Sentot Sahid Cast: Khalifah: Marsha Timothy Rasyid: Indra Herlambang Yoga: Ben Joshua Tante Rita:

Lukman Sardi (Actor)

Born: 14 July 1971 in Jakarta. Profile: Lukman is an actor who has strunggling in world of film since he was five years old. Debut in a movie titled Kembang-Kembang Plastik (1978) and Pengemis dan Tukang Becak (1978), Lukman then dissapear from the industry for more than 20 years. Son of renowned violist Idris Sardi back to the movie hustle in 2005 with the movie Gie. He's now one of the most talented Indonesian actor. Filmography: Kembang-Kembang Plastik (1978) Pengemis dan Tukang Becak (1979) Dinginnya Hati Seorang Gadis (1979) Anak-Anak Tak Beribu (1980) Gie (2005) 9 Naga (2006) Berbagi Suami (2006) Jakarta Undercover (2006) Pesan dari Surga (2006) Naga Bonar (Jadi) 2 (2007) The Photograph (2007) Quickie Express (2007) Kawin Kontrak (2008) In the Name of Love (2008) May (2008) Laskar Pelangi (2008) Kawin Kontrak Lagi (2008) Pencarian Terakhir (2008) Takut: Faces of Fear (2008) - Segmen Show Unit Lastri (2008) Merah Putih (2009) (2009)

3 Pejantan Tanggung (2010)

Angga, Kris and Harta are 3 friends who love living spree. Two weeks before attending the lecture session, they are busy getting drunk. They were shocked when they awoke to find the dam in a narrow room sebuh in a small boat down a tropical river in the middle of the interior of Borneo. The next incident happened so fast. They panicked, ran into a group of Dayak men, and end up being prisoners in the village. To make it worse Angga accidently burn hut of the chieftain's daughter named Riana. As a punishment Angga and his friends had to rebuild the hut. While the three friends thinked of ways to escape, a wealthy businessman named Handoyo came and try to buy rural land from tribal chieftains. The chief immediately rejected the offer outright. After the bid was rejected, Handoyo planned to burn the forest around the village. However, after meeting the trio, the plan changed. Assisted by Hamzah, a Dayak evil that he bribe, he persuaded them to kidnap Riana as an exchange of th

Dalam Mihrab Cinta (2010)

Syamsul Hadi was a young man determined to study in a pesantren in Kediri. Here he met Zizi, daughter of the owner of the pesantren, which he had help from being robbed on the train. After the incident the two became close friends. Syamsul had wonderful time in the boarding school until one day he was accused of stealing. He displaced by the libel that made a close friend, Burhan. Burhan secretly like Zizi. When he came back, his own family did not believe him. Desperate, Syamsul then decided to live on the street and truly become a pickpocket. In the midst of chaos and darkness of his life God provides a way for him to repent and met sholehah woman named Sylvie. Genre: Drama Duration: 120 minutes Release Date: 23 December 2010 Director: Habiburahman El Shirazy Producer: Leo Sutanto Homepage: Cast: Syamsul: Dude Harlino Sylvie: Asmirandah Zizi: Meyda Sefira Burhan: Boy Hamzah El Manik Ninik L. Karim Elma Theana Umar Libus

Kabayan Jadi Milyuner (2010)

The tranquility of a village in West Java, where stands a simple As-Salam Islamic cleric led by Ustad Soleh, was suddenly disturbed by the presence of a real estate entrepreneur, boss Rocky. This ambitious enterpreneur wants to buy the school's land to be used as resorts. But it was the intention boss Rocky could not carry out with ease because unexpectedly he met a strong opponent. His opponent are not immune to bribes and persuasion of the most powerful. That person is right-hand Ustad Soleh, a plain but clever young man named Kabayan. Together with his friend, Armasan, Kabayan successfully make boss Rocky dizzy. But then boss Rocky realizes that Kabayan was falling in love with his accountant, Iteung. Boss Rocky then uses Iteung to cheat and beat Kabayan to surrender the property. Genre: Comedy Duration: 100 minutes Release Date: 23 December 2010 Director: Guntur Soeharjanto Producer: Chand Parvez Servia Cast: Kabayan: Jamie Aditya Iteung: Rianti Cartwright

Sang Pencerah (2010)

The Enlightenment story of KH Ahmad Dahlan, founder of a renowned Islamic organization, Muhammadiyah. Ahmad Dahlan, whose real name was Muhammad Darwis, grew up in the Kauman area, Yogyakarta. Since adolescence, Darwis anxious to see the practice of religion in their regions. That anxiety culminated with his decision to do pilgrimage at the age of 15 years. In the holy land, Darwis get a new name, Ahmad Dahlan. In return to Kauman, Dahlan determined to struggle with enforcing Islamic law in the region. Starting with the correction of qibla direction, idolatrous practices such as the offerings in worship until some customary practices that actually are not obliged to do in religious teachings. Dahlan lunge kick disquieting the clerics, who still laud the leadership of clerics prince. He was harassed. Small mosque which he use to share knowledge to his followers destroyed. But among the ripple opposition he continued to defend the principles of his trusted and established Muhammadi

Rumah Dara (2010)

A group of young men and women travel to Jakarta after helding a farewell party for Adjie and Astrid. The couple was planning to go Sydney but decided to held the party in Bandung so that Astrid could visit her sister Ladya. On their way they met a woman who claimed to had just been robbed. On the basis of compassion, Adjie and his friend took Maya, the woman, home. At Maya's house, Adjie and his friends introduced to her mother, an elegant yet misterious woman named Dara. They were invited to dinner. Who would have thought that dinner was the beginning of calamity for Adjie and his friends. Genre:  Thriller/ Slasher Duration: 95 minutes Release Date: 21 January 2010 Director: Mo Brothers Producer: Delon Tio Cast: Dara: Shareefa Daanish Maya : Imelda Therinne Adam: Arifin Putra Armand: Ruli Lubis Ladya: Julie Estelle Adjie: Ario Bayu Astrid: Sigi Wimala Jimmie: Daniel Mananta Ekko: Dendy Subangil Mecia: Aming

Laskar Pelangi (2008)

A group of children attending dilapidated school named Sekolah Dasar Muhammadiyah in a remote area, Belitong, in 1970s era. The Rainbow Troops consists of Lintang, a latitude, super genius whose born as a son of a coastal fisherman. He have to ride miles by bike just for school. Mahar, the once quirky little extraordinary artist. The disabled yet full of spirit, Harun. And aslo Ikal, the main character who visualized as a thin and melancholy boy. The name Rainbow Troops was given by their teacher, Bu Mus, who named it after their love for the natural phenomenon called the rainbow. Under the guidance of  Bu Mus and Pak Harfan, Laskar Pelangi have to undergo a challenging yet exciting days as a student in the remote area. Genre: Drama Duration: 124 minutes Release Date: 25 September 2008 Director: Riri Riza Producer: Mira Lesmana Cast :  Ibu Muslimah: Cut Mini Pak Harfan: Ikranagara Pak Mahmud: Tora Sudiro Pak Zulkarnaen: Slamet Rahardjo Bapak Ikal: Mathias M