This movie picked up the story of three families with three different religious backgrounds in New Market, Semarang. Hendra is a son of chinese food restaurant owner, Tan Kat Sun. Soleh is a husband of Menuk, a veiled women who work as maids in Koh Tan, restaurant. Later, Soleh worked as banser for Nahdatul Ulama (NU). The third central figure is Rika. Mother of one who was ostracized from society because she decided to divorce and convert religion. Rika made friends with Surya, a novice actor who lives around the house. Genre: Drama Duration: 90 Minutes Release Date: 2012 Director: Hanung Bramantyo Producer: Cast: Rio Dewanto Reza Rahardian Revalina Temat Endhita Agus Kuncoro Henky Solaiman
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